Array ( [Obituary] => Array ( [id] => 33385 [company_id] => 6526 [prefix] => el señor don [name] => Félix Matilla Fáñez [what] => [age] => 75 [body] => Falleció en León, el día 23 de abril de 2009. Exequias y Misa de Funeral tendrán lugar el día 24 a las 7 de la tarde, en la iglesia de S.J. Evangelista de Veguellina de Órbigo (León). [contribution] => [source] => [funeral] => [date] => 2009-04-24 [slug] => felix_matilla_fanez [hits] => 59 [signed] => 0 [condolence_count] => 1 [filename] => [created] => 2009-04-24 11:24:47 [modified] => 2009-04-24 11:24:47 [redirect] => 0 [redirect_status] => [redirect_url] => [show_tribute] => 0 [tribute_url] => [incomplete] => 0 [visible] => 1 [company_visible] => 1 [erased] => 0 [erase_date] => [company_parent_id] => 0 [location_id] => 45710 [location_path] => 63, 34266 [location_place_id] => 34266 [location_place_name] => León [location_place_slug] => leon [location_place_level] => 2 [location_place_visible] => 1 [location_place_parent_id] => 63 [publishing_places_place_id] => 0 [publishing_places_place_name] => [publishing_places_place_slug] => [publishing_places_place_level] => [publishing_places_place_visible] => [publishing_places_place_parent_id] => [company_name] => Rememori [company_slug] => rememori [NIF] => [certification] => [theme] => 1 [obituary_theme] => 1 [place_id] => España → León [where] => León ) [Company] => Array ( [id] => 6526 [name] => Rememori [address] => Plaza Lluís Casassas nº 4 2-1 [zip] => 08208 [town] => Sabadell [area] => [province] => Barcelona [phone] => [phone2] => [flowers_phone_extension] => [fax] => [email] => [email protected] [web] => [slug] => rememori [legal_name] => Remémori [legal_id] => [tax_id] => [billing_account] => [obituary_count] => 177363 [created] => 2008-10-04 02:17:07 [modified] => 2017-09-07 08:45:05 [flower_service_method] => 1 [has_flower_service] => 1 [flower_service_url] => [obituary_incomplete_default_value] => 0 [obituary_signed_default_value] => 0 [alert_on_new_obituary_created] => 0 [visible] => 1 [is_premium] => 0 [premium_is_active] => 0 [show_premium_preview] => 0 [featured] => 0 [has_remotecontent_service] => 1 [ignore_remotecontent_company_filter] => 1 [send_monthly_report] => 0 [redirect] => 0 [redirect_status] => [redirect_url] => [latitude] => 41.4979 [longitude] => 2.06162 [parent_id] => 0 [activity_id] => 11 [itemsperpage] => 20 [container_width] => 620px [container_posx] => 0 [container_posy] => 0 [fontsize] => 10px [fontfamily] => arial [fontcolor] => [bgcolorheader] => [bgcoloreven] => [bgcoloruneven] => [fontcolorheader] => [authorized_domain] => [remote_content_date_limit] => today [has_funeral_service_budget] => 0 [service_budget_priority] => [service_budget_extension] => ) [Location] => Array ( [id] => 45710 [class] => Obituary [foreign_id] => 33385 [name] => León [place_id] => 34266 [path] => 63, 34266 [Place] => Array ( [id] => 34266 [name] => León [slug] => leon [latitude] => -5.5717520714 [longitude] => 42.5998764038 [exact] => 1 [level] => 2 [visible] => 1 [parent_id] => 63 [lft] => 81592 [rght] => 82849 ) ) [CustomTribute] => Array ( [id] => [obituary_id] => [user_id] => [born_place_id] => [die_place_id] => [name] => [prefix] => [age] => [body] => [gratitude_message] => [source] => [slug] => [created] => [modified] => [expiration_date] => [filename] => [born] => [died] => [what] => [visible] => [paid] => [confirmed_by_user] => [show_born] => [show_died] => [user_validation_required] => [allow_users_contact] => [theme] => [type] => [admin_relation] => ) [Condolence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 178846 [obituary_id] => 33385 [user_id] => 107440 [body] => The first great difference between a corporation and a private partnership or voluntary association is, that in the former the company acts only by its constitutional organs, whether a committee of directors or appointed officers; while, in the latter, the obligations of a single member, or number of members, by the subscription of the firm, will bind the society. 2 Bell's Com. 556, 5th ed. social security disability attorney ibs free at last online social security application how to qualify for social security disability ibs free at last social security administration disability application disability lawyers social [name] => Aliemydyelp [ip] => [visible] => 0 [confirmed_by_user] => 1 [reviewed_by_admin] => 1 [informed_to_user] => 0 [created] => 2014-03-10 17:02:38 [modified] => 2014-03-11 03:30:01 [condolence_type] => 0 [is_free] => 0 ) ) )
el señor don Félix Matilla Fáñez

Falleció el día 24-04-2009
en León a los 75 años

Falleció en León, el día 23 de abril de 2009. Exequias y Misa de Funeral tendrán lugar el día 24 a las 7 de la tarde, en la iglesia de S.J. Evangelista de Veguellina de Órbigo (León).

Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-flores a Félix Matilla Fáñez
Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-velas a Félix Matilla Fáñez

El equipo de quiere hacer llegar a su familia y allegados su sincero mensaje de condolencia, y ofrecerle todos los servicios que ofrece nuestra web, para recordar y homenajear a sus queridos fallecidos.