[Obituary] => Array
[id] => 428051
[company_id] =>
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[name] => Victor Lorente Sola
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[body] =>
D. E. P.
Tanatorio: Ribaforada
Funeral: Iglesia Parroquial de San Bartolomé en Ribaforada, el día 10-01-2012 a las 16:30
Cementerio: Ribaforada
Conducción: 10-01-2012 a las 17:00, a continuación del funeral
[contribution] =>
[source] => webparser_01.irache
[funeral] =>
[date] => 2012-01-08
[slug] => victor_lorente_sola
[hits] => 0
[signed] => 0
[condolence_count] => 6
[filename] =>
[created] => 2012-01-09 10:12:15
[modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
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[location_path] => 63, 34273, 42455
[location_place_id] => 42455
[location_place_name] => Ribaforada
[location_place_slug] => ribaforada
[location_place_level] => 3
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[place_id] => España → Navarra → Ribaforada
[where] => Ribaforada
[Company] => Array
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[name] => Ribaforada
[place_id] => 42455
[path] => 63, 34273, 42455
[Place] => Array
[id] => 42455
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[slug] => ribaforada
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[level] => 3
[visible] => 1
[parent_id] => 34273
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[rght] => 85782
[CustomTribute] => Array
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[Condolence] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 82226
[obituary_id] => 428051
[user_id] => 31204
[body] => Todavía no me hago a la idea de que ya no estas con nosotros, te echo tanto de menos papa...
[name] => Ascen
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2012-01-28 01:40:42
[modified] => 2012-01-29 03:30:01
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[1] => Array
[id] => 82228
[obituary_id] => 428051
[user_id] => 31204
[body] => Te echo tanto de menos papa!
[name] => Ascen
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2012-01-28 01:42:09
[modified] => 2012-01-29 03:30:01
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[2] => Array
[id] => 82229
[obituary_id] => 428051
[user_id] => 31204
[body] => Fuiste una gran persona, un hombre con un gran coraje, generoso, bondadoso, justo y el mejor padre para mi. Tu sonrisa era especial y tu carácter reservado llenaba el espacio de los corazones que te querían, para los cuales tu no has muerto, pues siempre estarás con nosotros papa.
[name] => Ascension
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2012-01-28 01:46:03
[modified] => 2012-01-28 01:46:03
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[3] => Array
[id] => 82486
[obituary_id] => 428051
[user_id] => 31204
[body] =>
Te marchaste de este mundo sin avisar
Y me dejaste hundida por el dolor
Me enseniaste que es querer sin condicion
Pero no a como vivir sin tu amor
Me diste todo y mas
Y nunca me exigiste nada
Simplemente me ofreciste tu hogar
Tu carinio y tu bondad
Te quiero papa
Tu carinio me lleno
Me dejas un vacio imposible de reemplazar
[name] => Ascension
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2012-01-30 01:46:17
[modified] => 2012-01-30 01:46:17
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[4] => Array
[id] => 82882
[obituary_id] => 428051
[user_id] => 31204
[body] => It is so difficult to get use to the idea of not seeing you or listening your voice. The days seem to last longer and motivation is lost at the moment. I love you so much dad...hope you knew it.
[name] => Tu Konce
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2012-02-01 19:24:49
[modified] => 2012-02-01 19:24:49
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 205806
[obituary_id] => 428051
[user_id] => 31204
[body] => Padre, te llevo siempre en mi mente y mi corazon. Ahora que la mama se reunio contigo, podeis disfrutad del descanso alli donde esteis sin las preocupaciones que nos decanta la vida aqui en esta dimension terrestrial. Velad por nosotros los que nos quedamos. Os quiero
[name] => Ascension
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2014-06-21 14:42:20
[modified] => 2014-06-21 14:42:20
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
Victor Lorente Sola