
Array ( [Obituary] => Array ( [id] => 566001 [company_id] => 13819 [prefix] => [name] => Juan Bautista Galarza Artola [what] => JAUNA [age] => 92 [body] => Bere emaztea: Teresa Narvarte; seme-alabak: Mari Jose eta Kepa Doyharzabal, Nekane eta Jon Gurrutxaga, Maite eta Iñaki Zuloaga, Arantxa (Ramon Sagastibeltzaren alarguna); bilobak: Haritz eta Amaia, Itziar eta Julen, Enetz eta Olatz, Urtzi eta Amaia, Eren, Ekaitz eta Uxue, Gari; birloba: Eñaut; anai-arrebak, ezkon anai-arrebak, ilobak, lehengusuak eta gainerako ahaideak. Haren animaren alde, otoitz bat eskatzen dizuete eta arren etor zaiteztela, LARUNBATEAN arratsaldeko ZAZPIETAN, Tolosako KORPUS KHRISTI parroki elizan, egingo den hiletara. Aldez aurretik, mila esker. Helbidea: Martin Jose Iraola, 4 Tolosa, 2012ko abenduaren 21ean OHARRA: Gorputz beila Tolosako ORIA TANATORIOAN egongo da, LARUNBATA arratsaldeko 18:30ak arte. (943697579) [contribution] => [source] => [funeral] => [date] => 2012-12-22 [slug] => juan_bautista_galarza_artola [hits] => 0 [signed] => 1 [condolence_count] => 2 [filename] => 0583e7e718df8078644c90065e4fd9f6.jpeg [created] => 2012-12-22 08:41:41 [modified] => 2012-12-22 08:41:41 [redirect] => 0 [redirect_status] => [redirect_url] => [show_tribute] => 0 [tribute_url] => [incomplete] => 1 [visible] => 1 [company_visible] => 1 [erased] => 0 [erase_date] => [company_parent_id] => 0 [location_id] => 664691 [location_path] => 63, 34259, 39400 [location_place_id] => 39400 [location_place_name] => Tolosa/Guipúzcoa [location_place_slug] => tolosa_guipuzcoa [location_place_level] => 3 [location_place_visible] => 1 [location_place_parent_id] => 34259 [publishing_places_place_id] => 39400 [publishing_places_place_name] => Tolosa/Guipúzcoa [publishing_places_place_slug] => tolosa_guipuzcoa [publishing_places_place_level] => 3 [publishing_places_place_visible] => 1 [publishing_places_place_parent_id] => 34259 [company_name] => Funeraria, Tanatorio y Crematorio Del Oria [company_slug] => funeraria_tanatorio_y_crematorio_del_oria [NIF] => [certification] => [theme] => 1 [obituary_theme] => 1 [place_id] => España → Guipúzcoa → Tolosa/Guipúzcoa [where] => Tolosa/Guipúzcoa ) [Company] => Array ( [id] => 13819 [name] => Funeraria, Tanatorio y Crematorio Del Oria [address] => Polígono Usabal, 12 B [zip] => 20400 [town] => Tolosa [area] => tolosaldea y provincia [province] => Guipúzcoa [phone] => 943697579 [phone2] => [flowers_phone_extension] => [fax] => 943675424 [email] => [email protected] [web] => [slug] => funeraria_tanatorio_y_crematorio_del_oria [legal_name] => [legal_id] => [tax_id] => [billing_account] => [obituary_count] => 803 [created] => 2010-05-01 12:50:47 [modified] => 2017-07-26 08:48:43 [flower_service_method] => 1 [has_flower_service] => 1 [flower_service_url] => [obituary_incomplete_default_value] => 0 [obituary_signed_default_value] => 1 [alert_on_new_obituary_created] => 0 [visible] => 1 [is_premium] => 0 [premium_is_active] => 0 [show_premium_preview] => 0 [featured] => 1 [has_remotecontent_service] => 1 [ignore_remotecontent_company_filter] => 0 [send_monthly_report] => 1 [redirect] => 0 [redirect_status] => 0 [redirect_url] => [latitude] => 43.1266 [longitude] => -2.08219 [parent_id] => 0 [activity_id] => 3 [itemsperpage] => 20 [container_width] => 620px [container_posx] => 0 [container_posy] => 0 [fontsize] => 8px [fontfamily] => times new roman, Verdana,Sans-serif [fontcolor] => #303030 [bgcolorheader] => #712524 [bgcoloreven] => #FFFFFF [bgcoloruneven] => #EEEEEE [fontcolorheader] => #FFFFFF [authorized_domain] => [remote_content_date_limit] => last_year [has_funeral_service_budget] => 0 [service_budget_priority] => 90 [service_budget_extension] => ) [Location] => Array ( [id] => 664691 [class] => Obituary [foreign_id] => 566001 [name] => Tolosa/Guipúzcoa [place_id] => 39400 [path] => 63, 34259, 39400 [Place] => Array ( [id] => 39400 [name] => Tolosa/Guipúzcoa [slug] => tolosa_guipuzcoa [latitude] => -2.0739140511 [longitude] => 43.1369781494 [exact] => 1 [level] => 3 [visible] => 1 [parent_id] => 34259 [lft] => 79347 [rght] => 79348 ) ) [CustomTribute] => Array ( [id] => [obituary_id] => [user_id] => [born_place_id] => [die_place_id] => [name] => [prefix] => [age] => [body] => [gratitude_message] => [source] => [slug] => [created] => [modified] => [expiration_date] => [filename] => [born] => [died] => [what] => [visible] => [paid] => [confirmed_by_user] => [show_born] => [show_died] => [user_validation_required] => [allow_users_contact] => [theme] => [type] => [admin_relation] => ) [Condolence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 135973 [obituary_id] => 566001 [user_id] => 88649 [body] => The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I basically thought youd have some thing fascinating to say. All I hear is often a bunch of whining about something which you could fix if you ever werent too busy looking for attention. ugg boots for cheap [name] => ionizVizAxomy [ip] => [visible] => 0 [confirmed_by_user] => 1 [reviewed_by_admin] => 1 [informed_to_user] => 0 [created] => 2013-01-31 02:03:38 [modified] => 2013-02-01 03:30:01 [condolence_type] => 0 [is_free] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 136789 [obituary_id] => 566001 [user_id] => 89168 [body] => you have an awesome blog here! would you like to create some invite posts on my weblog? michael kors bags outlet [name] => ionizVizAxomy [ip] => [visible] => 0 [confirmed_by_user] => 1 [reviewed_by_admin] => 1 [informed_to_user] => 0 [created] => 2013-02-05 06:54:00 [modified] => 2013-02-06 03:30:02 [condolence_type] => 0 [is_free] => 0 ) ) )
Juan Bautista Galarza Artola

Falleció el día 22-12-2012
en Tolosa/Guipúzcoa a los 92 años


Bere emaztea: Teresa Narvarte; seme-alabak: Mari Jose eta Kepa Doyharzabal, Nekane eta Jon Gurrutxaga, Maite eta Iñaki Zuloaga, Arantxa (Ramon Sagastibeltzaren alarguna); bilobak: Haritz eta Amaia, Itziar eta Julen, Enetz eta Olatz, Urtzi eta Amaia, Eren, Ekaitz eta Uxue, Gari; birloba: Eñaut; anai-arrebak, ezkon anai-arrebak, ilobak, lehengusuak eta gainerako ahaideak. Haren animaren alde, otoitz bat eskatzen dizuete eta arren etor zaiteztela, LARUNBATEAN arratsaldeko ZAZPIETAN, Tolosako KORPUS KHRISTI parroki elizan, egingo den hiletara. Aldez aurretik, mila esker. Helbidea: Martin Jose Iraola, 4 Tolosa, 2012ko abenduaren 21ean OHARRA: Gorputz beila Tolosako ORIA TANATORIOAN egongo da, LARUNBATA arratsaldeko 18:30ak arte. (943697579)

Funeraria, Tanatorio y Crematorio Del Oria

Funeraria, Tanatorio y Crematorio Del Oria

Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-flores a Juan Bautista   Galarza Artola
Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-velas a Juan Bautista   Galarza Artola

El equipo de quiere hacer llegar a su familia y allegados su sincero mensaje de condolencia, y ofrecerle todos los servicios que ofrece nuestra web, para recordar y homenajear a sus queridos fallecidos.