Array ( [Obituary] => Array ( [id] => 569298 [company_id] => [prefix] => [name] => Mary Edith Audrey Thorold Ordeig [what] => [age] => 91 [body] =>

Lugar: Directe A Cementiri De Vallgorguina

Fecha y hora: 01/01/2013 11:15:00

[contribution] => [source] => webparser_01.cabrejunqueras [funeral] => Directe A Cementiri De Vallgorguina [date] => 2013-01-01 [slug] => mary_edith_audrey_thorold_ordeig [hits] => 0 [signed] => 0 [condolence_count] => 1 [filename] => [created] => 2012-12-31 10:16:21 [modified] => 2013-01-01 18:30:21 [redirect] => 0 [redirect_status] => [redirect_url] => [show_tribute] => 0 [tribute_url] => [incomplete] => 0 [visible] => 1 [company_visible] => 1 [erased] => 0 [erase_date] => [company_parent_id] => [location_id] => 668373 [location_path] => 63, 34246, 36765 [location_place_id] => 36765 [location_place_name] => Vallgorguina [location_place_slug] => vallgorguina [location_place_level] => 3 [location_place_visible] => 1 [location_place_parent_id] => 34246 [publishing_places_place_id] => 0 [publishing_places_place_name] => [publishing_places_place_slug] => [publishing_places_place_level] => [publishing_places_place_visible] => [publishing_places_place_parent_id] => [company_name] => [company_slug] => [NIF] => [certification] => [theme] => 1 [obituary_theme] => 1 [place_id] => España → Barcelona → Vallgorguina [where] => Vallgorguina ) [Company] => Array ( [id] => [name] => [address] => [zip] => [town] => [area] => [province] => [phone] => [phone2] => [flowers_phone_extension] => [fax] => [email] => [web] => [slug] => [legal_name] => [legal_id] => [tax_id] => [billing_account] => [obituary_count] => [created] => [modified] => [flower_service_method] => [has_flower_service] => [flower_service_url] => [obituary_incomplete_default_value] => [obituary_signed_default_value] => [alert_on_new_obituary_created] => [visible] => [is_premium] => [premium_is_active] => [show_premium_preview] => [featured] => [has_remotecontent_service] => [ignore_remotecontent_company_filter] => [send_monthly_report] => [redirect] => [redirect_status] => [redirect_url] => [latitude] => [longitude] => [parent_id] => [activity_id] => [itemsperpage] => [container_width] => [container_posx] => [container_posy] => [fontsize] => [fontfamily] => [fontcolor] => [bgcolorheader] => [bgcoloreven] => [bgcoloruneven] => [fontcolorheader] => [authorized_domain] => [remote_content_date_limit] => [has_funeral_service_budget] => [service_budget_priority] => [service_budget_extension] => ) [Location] => Array ( [id] => 668373 [class] => Obituary [foreign_id] => 569298 [name] => Vallgorguina [place_id] => 36765 [path] => 63, 34246, 36765 [Place] => Array ( [id] => 36765 [name] => Vallgorguina [slug] => vallgorguina [latitude] => 2.5099120140 [longitude] => 41.6483230591 [exact] => 1 [level] => 3 [visible] => 1 [parent_id] => 34246 [lft] => 73469 [rght] => 73470 ) ) [CustomTribute] => Array ( [id] => [obituary_id] => [user_id] => [born_place_id] => [die_place_id] => [name] => [prefix] => [age] => [body] => [gratitude_message] => [source] => [slug] => [created] => [modified] => [expiration_date] => [filename] => [born] => [died] => [what] => [visible] => [paid] => [confirmed_by_user] => [show_born] => [show_died] => [user_validation_required] => [allow_users_contact] => [theme] => [type] => [admin_relation] => ) [Condolence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 133312 [obituary_id] => 569298 [user_id] => 87010 [body] => To the Ordeig Family I’m saddened by your mothers passing! I have wonderful memories of a pretty, bright, fun loving girl that I met while visiting your Grandmother in London England – unfortunately our paths didn’t cross again. But over the years I was kept abreast of news from Joanna Richards (Sydney) and my son Robert who brought glowing reports of Mary and her vitality. Your Mom had a long productive life, always searching for knowledge and had a great pride in her adopted country. Please do not lose touch with us across the sea. There will always be a bed in my big old house! Love to the family. Sincerely Sascha Armour 42 Bedford St., Port Hope, Ontario, L1A 1W3, Canada [email protected] PS. The family connection goes way back many years – your Grandmother Helen Cole and her brother Bob Davidson were old close friends. Bob Davidson was my Godfather and introduced me to my husband John Kay Armour. His Grandmothers’ maiden name was Hay and her mothers’ maiden name was Davidson. Do you have news of Edward Cole? [name] => Sascha Armour [ip] => [visible] => 0 [confirmed_by_user] => 1 [reviewed_by_admin] => 1 [informed_to_user] => 0 [created] => 2013-01-13 22:28:27 [modified] => 2013-01-14 03:30:01 [condolence_type] => 0 [is_free] => 0 ) ) )
Mary Edith Audrey Thorold Ordeig

Falleció el día 01-01-2013
en Vallgorguina a los 91 años

Lugar: Directe A Cementiri De Vallgorguina

Fecha y hora: 01/01/2013 11:15:00

Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-flores a Mary Edith Audrey Thorold Ordeig
Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-velas a Mary Edith Audrey Thorold Ordeig

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