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[id] => 279436
[obituary_id] => 793779
[user_id] => 101598
[body] => Eras una grandisima persona Juan.
Siempre estarás en nuestro corazon.
Gracias x todo!!
[name] => Judit
[ip] =>
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[created] => 2015-08-18 11:21:38
[modified] => 2015-08-18 11:21:38
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[1] => Array
[id] => 279446
[obituary_id] => 793779
[user_id] => 123691
[body] => We have lost someone very dear to us.
[name] => Ethan, Efrén and Edgar
[ip] =>
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[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2015-08-18 14:19:01
[modified] => 2015-08-19 09:13:47
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[2] => Array
[id] => 279501
[obituary_id] => 793779
[user_id] => 101596
[body] => Tete, no me puedo creer que te hayas ido, porqué? Nos dejas con mucho dolor ... Espero que allá donde estés seas feliz y nunca olvides cuanto te queremos . Te echaré mucho de menos y te llevaré siempre en mi corazón ...
[name] => Yiyi
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2015-08-18 22:46:46
[modified] => 2015-08-18 22:46:46
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
Juan Jordán Jiménez
Falleció el día 18-08-2015
en Vallfogona de balaguer
Exèquies, 18/8/2015, a 2/4 d'11 del matí, a l'oratori del tanatori de Badalona.